Wednesday, 29 October 2014
00:06 0

Basic Causes of PST Corruption in MS Outlook

Outlook email client is a prominent medium for robust communication across the web. It also encourages corporate users to expand their business relations beyond the limit. In Outlook, each and every facet of information like emails, messages, contacts, journals and meetings are mapped into PST file. PST file is a centralized warehouse i.e. also known as hub of MS Outlook data. However, Outlook has no alternative place to keep backup of all data i.e. available in Outlook PST file. So, cure factor with Personal Storage Table (PST) is set on priority.

Any kind of trouble with PST file can lead towards corruption in Outlook emails. At this stage, user can’t access a single email items from Outlook Mailbox. Some users are reported that even launch of Outlook application is blocked. 

No doubt, corruption with Outlook PST file is a drastic scenario with Outlook users. That’s why, user should aware with all root causes for error or damage in Outlook data files.

Being a provoking user, following cases are handling with PST file carefully, which are:

1. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error or “Data Error”:  This kind of error is reported with reported message in Outlook i.e. mentioned below :

File path\filename.pst could not be accessed. Data error. Cyclic redundancy check.”

In this stage, Outlook user is unable to view download emails.

2. Violation in file structure of PST:  Personal Storage Table (PST) is made on the concept of static file structure. In this phenomenon, each block is defined for equal amount of data size. If any kind of violation occurs with block structure then PST can be damaged at any point of time.

3.   Emptied by Virus: Sometimes, Virus can affect content of PST file adversely. In this phase, user to apply effective tips to prevent data files from unauthorized/malicious program.

4. Bad synchronization with Firewall and Anti-virus: Whenever you enable Firewall or Antivirus program then it is necessary to set with adequate priority. Some experts are claimed that high priority with Firewall can affect PST file while bad synchronization with Anti-virus can break PST structure.

5.  Power Outrage: Power Outrage leads improper shut-down of Microsoft Outlook email application. With bad closing of email application, chances are increased for breakage in PST file.

After caring all these aspects mentioned above, Outlook user can prevent their Outlook mailbox from known errors. Apart from these known cases, Outlook data file can be corrupted through un-known error attack. This kind of error can’t anticipate in advanced mode.

If such annoying condition occurs with Outlook emails (PST Files) then advanced PST repair tool can be used i.e. developed by Microsoft certified partners. 

Check resource of Microsoft Gold certified Outlook repair tool at :


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