Tuesday, 10 February 2015
03:08 0

Steps to Repair Corrupt Inbox.dbx in Outlook Express

For communication purpose, messages are very crucial on every sphere of life. Deletion of a single mail makes a trouble for you. Outlook Express is used widely due to easy to use interface. I am also using this email application from last 4 years. Couple days ago, I opened my OE application in morning to download some of the pics of my recent holiday. After seeing disappeared items in inbox.dbx mailbox, i was shocked and lost my patience. On that time, my fast friend Jim had suggested to me for a DBX recovery tool. 

In Outlook Express, DBX file plays same responsibility as defined for PST file in Outlook. Your OE keeps a proper strategy to store your .dbx files. To avoid confusion, you can easily search this file format in your hard drive. You can create personal sub-folders apart from by default folders like in-box and drafts. It could be possible to get invisible folders that were previously visible. This problem shows a corruption in DBX file and your need to fix the threat. There is a need to recover DBX file for following scenario:
  •  Messages stopped
  • In-box or other folder disappeared
  • Unable to open .dbx file
  • Deleted emails incidentally

If you have experienced such type of issues during work with OE then do not waste your time for recovery process. Typically, if your application responds for error in some cases then be aware to find out the real problem. Sometimes, these errors are outcome of wrong profile setting. To resolve account setting issues, you can easily check help option in menu of application. But there is no option for corruption issues except an extensive tool for corrupt DBX file recovery.

Some other useful strategy you can apply with Outlook express to avoid bad experiences are.

1- Take proper backup on scheduled routine
2- Review the size of DBX file
3- Carefully migrate from one machine to another
4- Resolve errors as earliest possible

With a safe point of view, it is almost possible to protect DBX file from corruption. If any how this mysterious activity happens, then easily opt for useful utility to recover your DBX file.



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